With the summer holidays now officially over, kids everywhere have kicked off an exciting new school year, and Petra wishes all our students much success! For many in our community, classes, sports, and after-school activities are all underway, and the transition from long summer days to being back in the classroom can take some getting used to – not only for the students, but for their families as well!
However, for many low-income families in our region, heading back to school may be particularly difficult due to their housing instability. For school-age children, housing shortages and instability have wide-reaching effects, and can impact their education, their health, and their overall well-being.
Children who experience housing instability are often in a situation where they face frequent moves, and in some cases, homelessness. The McKinney-Vento Act’s mandate is to provide homeless students educational stability by permitting these students to remain in their current school district. Despite the rights provided to these students under this act, families forced to move from one school district or school to another can disrupt a child’s ability to learn effectively and efficiently due to extra transportation time and potentially bifurcated social and learning circles.
Adapting to a new school or new neighborhood presents a difficult challenge for students – from having to build new relationships with their peers, to having to adjust to the new curricula and teaching styles of their teachers. Frequent disruptions in education make it more likely for children to fall behind academically, and can lead to lower test scores, increased absenteeism, and higher dropout rates.
As if the disruption in education wasn’t challenging enough, the health issues that can be caused by poor or unstable housing conditions can affect both a student’s mental and physical wellbeing. The stress and anxiety brought about by housing insecurity can greatly impact a child’s mental health, leading to emotional or behavioral issues, social difficulties, and an inability to focus on their studies. Additionally, poor housing conditions, such as overcrowding, lack of heating, and exposure to mold or lead can lead to health issues like asthma and other respiratory problems, resulting in increased absenteeism from school.
Looking at the long-term consequences, children in unstable or unsafe housing situations are less likely to graduate from high school and pursue higher education – whether academically or in the trade and service industries. This can limit their future employment opportunities and impact their overall quality of life well into adulthood.
This is why at Petra we believe that affordable housing is crucial for the physical, mental, and emotional development of our community and especially the students in our community. We are passionate about providing low-income families with affordable housing options and ensuring that they have access to a safe and stable place to live. Providing our students with a place that they can call home can lead to higher academic achievement, better health, and a brighter future for our children.